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  1. moneo IIoT platform
  2. Software architecture
  3. moneo Industrial AI Assistant
  4. SmartLimitWatcher

moneo SmartLimitWatcher

moneo SmartLimitWatcher is an AI-based software product. It is used to dynamically monitor threshold values in complex machine and production processes in manufacturing. The intelligent software alerts you to anomalies in key process values such as temperature, pressure, or vibration.

machine availability

Prevent unplanned downtime by predicting failures and increasing machine availability.

process quality

Improve process performance by monitoring and detecting deviations in real time.

energy consumption

Reduce operating costs by monitoring energy consumption at the machine level.

SmartLimitWatcher dynamically monitors several process values and alerts you to anomalies.

SmartLimitWatcher dynamically monitors several process values and alerts you to anomalies.

Benefits of SmartLimitWatcher

No data science expertise required. Pragmatic solution with simple 5-step wizard for those responsible for production and maintenance.

Automated data preparation, model training, and quality control. No complex data pre-processing required.

Automated selection of the best-fit AI model, including verification of monitoring accuracy.

Time-based and condition-based monitoring. Continuous background monitoring using dynamic expectation ranges for the target variable.

Adjustable anomaly detection sensitivity with customizable warnings and alarms.

Intelligent process monitoring:
the 5-step wizard

moneo SmartLimitWatcher offers a set-up wizard that makes the software easy to use. In just five steps, the intelligent monitoring tool can be activated without expert support.

moneo SmartLimitWatcher monitors multi-stage, complex industrial processes and machines. The software automatically detects anomalies based on sensor data such as temperature, flow and vibration and sends warnings and alarms based on dynamic thresholds.

Customers who prefer to monitor individual measured values can use moneo PatternMonitor. This AI tool identifies structural changes in critical process values. Automatically generated alarms enable appropriate measures to be initiated at an early stage.

➜ Learn more about moneo PatternMonitor