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  1. moneo IIoT platform
  2. Software architecture
  3. moneo Industrial AI Assistant
  4. PatternMonitor

moneo PatternMonitor

Detecting unwanted changes in critical process values

moneo PatternMonitor is a smart, innovative AI-based solution that can monitor stationary and continuous processes. It identifies structural changes in critical process variables. An early alarm will trigger if anomalies are detected in individual, critical process parameters such as temperature, flow and vibration.

PatternMonitor monitors individual process values and detects unexpectedly occurring patterns.

PatternMonitor monitors individual process values and detects unexpectedly occurring patterns.

Benefits of moneo PatternMonitor

No data science expertise required. Pragmatic solution with simple 5-step wizard for those responsible for production and maintenance.

Automated data preparation, quality checking, and parameter setting for pattern detection.

Automated detection of structural changes in the critical process variable using AI methods.

Continuous background monitoring and alarming when patterns change.

Adjustable sensitivity for detecting patterns and anomalies in the evaluation period.

Detect changes quickly with the 5-step wizard

moneo PatternMonitor offers a set-up wizard that makes the software easy to use. In just five steps, the intelligent monitoring tool can be activated without advanced programming knowledge.

moneo PatternMonitor identifies structural changes in critical process values. Automatically generated alarms enable appropriate action to be initiated at an early stage.

Customers who prefer to monitor a range of dynamic processes can use moneo SmartLimitWatcher. The software automatically detects anomalies based on sensor data such as temperature, flow, and vibration. It then sends warnings and alarms based on dynamic thresholds.

➜ Learn more about moneo SmartLimitWatcher