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  3. UHF (Ultra-high frequency) RFID systems
  4. All-in-one UHF systems

All-in-one UHF systems: Easy setup, long-range

Designed for simple integration into an existing network infrastructure, the All-in-one UHF platform provides a controller and antenna in a single housing, and is optimized for high speed, high payload data transfer. An internal switch allows for easy addition into a pre-wired network, and the Industry leading long range antenna offers an adjustable powerful field for reading simultaneous UHF tags at a distance up to 4m.

Unlock UHF RFID anywhere in your facility

  • The compact all-in-one DTE90x units offer more distance than ever before in a single compact IP67 housing.
  • A configurable UHF field with 4 m read/write range allows for simultaneous reading/writing of up to 16 tags.
  • Available local filtering, I/O, and a configurable logic layer allow for reliable access control or monitoring in remote areas with or without a network connection to a controller.
Reduce installation and commissioning time Your time shouldn't be spent getting your controls system to work out of the box.
•  Quickly and easily install in even the most restrictive spaces.
•  Local on-device display of tags in field provides real time application diagnostics for reliability.
•  Ready-made function blocks for most common PLCs and control systems.
Simplify UHF integration UHF RFID doesn’t need to be complex, and you shouldn’t need a degree to make it work.
•  Improved read/write performance with an industry leading 4m of range. 
•  Optimized data handling for ease of use in local control systems with ready-made functions blocks and sample code.
•  Local device configuration through a web-browser cuts time and eliminates the need for another software suite.
Eliminate "normal" challenges with UHF RFID With all the capability in UHF technology, what's really needed is resiliency.
•  Improved reading performance and range on a variety of tags and targets eliminates fine tuning in a production change or when reading highly variable products.
•  A single housing eliminates the need for shielded coaxial connections between the antenna and controller offering reduced interference in noise laden environments.
•  Standard M12 connections and cabling means longer life, and less interference.
Improve quality control with simple addition of more reading points Adding a read location shouldn't require you to restructure your controls architecture.
•  The internal Ethernet switch of the AOI system easily adds UHF capability to existing systems.
•  Local I/O control adds more quality control capability to your process.
•  Start tracking and quality control with minimal effort.

System topology

Diagram of an all-in-one UHF system topography for returnable asset track and trace solutions