Service Center 800-441-8246
  1. LW radar level sensor
  2. Applications


Level in storage tanks

Radar is well suited for the level in storage tanks as it has a large measuring range up to 33 ft (10m) and is very accurate. In large tanks, even a small difference in level height can represent a large change in volume. An accurate level measurement is therefore very important as even small deviations can translate to large differences in the inventory cost of products.

Measurement through the top of non-metallic tanks

Radar can pass through non-metallic walls and can therefore be used to measurement level through the top of non-metallic tanks. This can be very useful to keep the sensor separate when tanks are exchanged routinely. It’s also very helpful on tanks with hazardous or aggressive media that is not compatible with the wetted parts of the radar sensor. This can improve safety and machine availability as the sensor is outside the system and not exposed to potentially damaging chemicals.

Open tanks and outside applications

The LW2120 has FCC radio approvals for open tank applications allowing it to also be outside applications. Radar technology is well suited for the demanding environment of outdoor applications as it is not influenced by weather such as precipitation or wind and can handle demanding surface conditions.

Open channel flow measurements

Radar technology can be used to measure media height and calculate flow rates in open channels or Venturi flumes (e.g. Parshall, Khafagi-Venturi).