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Customer testimonials

Below you can read about ifm Industry 4.0 solutions for: Condition Based Maintenance at FCA Verrone plant, Vibration diagnostics control maintenance intervals for lock in Eefde, Netherlands, Conditioned–based maintenance and energy monitoring at IVECO and Machine digitization at SFH provides real-time machine health data.

ifm Industry 4.0 solutions for Condition Based Maintenance at FCA Verrone plant

The Verrone plant produces manual and automatic transmissions for all FCA Group's mid-size cars. Condition-based maintenance according to FCA's principles of World Class Manufacturing minimizes unpredicted failures

"The plant in Verrone produces manual and automatic transmissions for all medium-sized cars of the FCA group."

Vibration diagnostics control maintenance intervals for lock in Eefde, Netherlands

The high standards in all corporate sectors lead to an improvement of all processes. These guidelines are also followed for the waterway infrastructure in the Netherlands.

Unforeseen errors and unplanned maintenance can lead to expensive downtime. See how to retrofit older lock systems with vibration monitoring systems to reduce or eliminate unplanned downtime.

Conditioned–based maintenance and energy monitoring at IVECO

The company IVECO implements automated solutions for condition monitoring of production plants. This improves maintenance planning, saves energy costs and increases production efficiency.

IVECO is a worldwide manufacturer of for example trucks and utility vehicles. In the Suzzara plant, near Mantua in northern Italy 250 "Daily" vans roll the assembly line every day.

Vibration monitoring protects machine tools

The Swedish vehicle manufacturer Scania is one of the world's largest manufacturers of utility vehicles, buses as well as ship's and industrial engines.

Sensor technology is used to prevent unplanned production downtime. It constantly monitors the condition of machines and installations.

Application report: SFH optimise plant using IO-Link solutions from ifm

SFH develop and produce fluid systems and systems for swarf handling systems. The company has been working very closely with ifm for many years and has now decided to equip their machines with IO-Link sensors and masters

The company was founded in Saint-Étienne (France) in 1981 and relies on a growing green division: Metal 'skeletons' from deep-drawing are cut up, spin-dried and then compressed.

James Jones Case Study

Through five generations of family ownership, James Jones & Sons has manufactured the widest range of sawn timber products.

Through five generations of family ownership, James Jones & Sons has manufactured the widest range of sawn timber products.

South West Water Case Study

Roadford Lake is key to South West Water supplying raw water to the region around Exeter and beyond.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Brendon Teague, Condition Monitoring Manager, South West Water for his assistance in this article.