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  1. Discover IO-Link
  2. Setup and support
  3. Support videos

IO-Link support videos

The following videos will help guide you on your IIoT journey. These videos will help you set up and configure your ifm IO-Link master. You can find startup packages including detailed information regarding initial setup and support, add-on instructions where appropriate, sample programs, etc. in the download tab on the datasheet page for the IO-Link master you are using. Simply scan the QR code on your ifm master or enter the part number in the search bar.

Support videos
Area Description Watch video
General Set IP address of IO-Link master (Run time 2:46)
Configure IO-Link master in RSLogix 5000 (Run time 1:51)
Use Add-in instructions in AL11/12/13/19 IO-Link masters (Run time 2:29)
Change port modes of the IO-Link master using RSLogix 5000 (Run time 1:25)
Replace DataLine EtherNet IP Masters (AL132x) with the New Generation in Studio5000 (Run time 5:22)
Configure IO-Link master using TIA portal (Run time 1:42)
Change IP address and PROFINET name using TIA portal (Run time 1:06)
Download and activate license (Run time 3:13)
Scan network for devices (Run time 3:32)
Read and write parameters to devices (Run time 3:48)
Change IP address of IO-Link master using moneo|configure (Run time 2:42)