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  1. SU Puresonic flowmeter
  2. IO-Link benefits

Ultrasonic flow meters with IO-Link offer more data and better accuracy

Thanks to IO-Link connectivity, the SU ultrasonic flow meter is an indispensable tool for facilities to increase efficiency and quality while reducing expenses. This flow meter's non-invasive technology already makes it valuable in many industrial and sanitary applications. The added ability of receiving real-time data with IO-Link further enhances accuracy, reliability, reporting, and alerts. 

Keep reading to learn how IO-Link adds more value to ultrasonic flow meters. Our, browse our line of SU models to find the right one for application. 

IO-Link benefits

Added values thanks to IO-Link

True digital signal of the process values improve accuracy and resolution due to no A/D conversion losses.

Observe current flow rate, total volumetric quantity, temperature, device status and 2 x switching outputs at the same time.

Signal quality as an indication of buildup inside the pipe, air bubbles, or process changes, can alert the user to the need for preventative maintenance.

Automatic device replacement capabilities.