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  1. Asset reliability
  2. Vibration
  3. Product platforms
  4. Programmable edge controller

Programmable edge controllers

Fault mode digital twin modeling

The power of edge computing is that the measurements and calculations are done at the point of use. These calculations convert raw data into narrow band root cause measurements. This creates a digital twin of the equipment’s fault mode kinematics. The equipment’s failure mode digital twin measurements are continuously computed in fractions of a millisecond.


Monitoring with root cause feedback in real time

Real-time mathematical modeling at the edge eliminates bandwidth issues by converting large sets of raw data, into much smaller calculated root cause information. ifm’s VSE system simplifies creation of digital modeling by creating specific broad band and narrow band vibration indicators that continually monitor targeted machine components for maintenance and machine dynamics for production process quality.  

Typical machine monitoring model

The chart below shows a typical configuration for vibration monitoring of rotating equipment. 

FFT¹ = Frequency domain; TD² = Time domain

Effective management of online resources

Edge computing technology effectively manages your system network resources. ifm’s VSE edge controller can convert raw accelerometer measurements (25k points/sec) into usable information (up to 104 specific measurements). This compression is required to transmit data over system networks. Minimizing impact on network resources, computing power, data storage, and evaluation labor is vital for any large-scale rollout.

System integration

Integrate edge controllers in a wide variety of ways. Once configured, easily connect their switching outputs to PLC inputs, stack lights, or any other switching or analog control system. The VSE system is also fully compatible with Industrial and PC-based Ethernet networks such as EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus, and TCP/IP.

Software and tools

The VSE system is supported with our VES004 vibration software available free of charge from the download tab of the VSE datasheet. Using the VES004, you can

  • Configure monitoring measurements
  • Convert raw signal
  • Analyze time wave form
  • Analyze spectrum
  • Gain access to the onboard measurement trend history. A typical installation provides an estimated 1 - 2 years of history.

The VSE is also supported through our software developers' kit with preconfigured APIs.


  • Machine tool
  • Multistage compressors
  • Separators
  • Centrifuges
  • Gearboxes
  • Complex machines

Select products

The fully programmable edge controller system includes the diagnostic electronics (VSE) and accelerometers (VSA/VSM/VSP). The VSE controllers have additional inputs for analog devices such as temperature and pressure.

Wiring and grounding

General VSE and accelerometer wiring

  • ifm recommends always using shielded cables
  • For VSA / VSM accelerometers, max cable length is 250 m
  • For VSP0xA, follow ATEX requirements
VSE dynamic input VSA IEPE / VSP VSM 0...20 mA
S1 S2 S3 S4
09 16 20 24 BN: L+ n.c.   n.c.
10 15 19 23 WH: Signal IEPE+ IEPE Signal
11 14 18 22 BU: GND IEPE- GND* GND
12 13 17 21 BK: Test n.c. Test** n.c.

* The GND signals the dynamic inputs are connected inside the diagnostic electronics. Only one GND of multi-axial sensors needed.

** The "Test" signal of the VSM accelerometer must be connected together with the IEPE z-axis.

VSA accelerometer family 

  • Shield is grounded at the VSE side only
  • Accelerometer connection types
    • M12 cables with no shield pass through
    • Integrated accelerometer shielded cable and patch cord
  • Shield is NOT connected at the accelerometer

1 = Cable shield; 2 = Accelerometer with integrated cable and shield wire

VSM accelerometer family

  • Shield is grounded at the machine side only
  • Accelerometer connection types
    • M12 cables with shield pass through
    • Integrated accelerometer shielded cable and patch cord
  • Shield connected at the accelerometer

1 = Cable shield; 2 = Accelerometer with integrated cable and shield wire

VSP accelerometer family

  • Shield is grounded at the VSE side only
  • Accelerometer connection types
    • M12 cables with no shield pass through
    • Shielded patch cord
  • Shield is NOT connected at the accelerometer

1 = Cable shield; 2 = Accelerometer with integrated cable and shield wire

Multi-axis IEPE accelerometers

  • The IEPE signal of each channel can be connected to any dynamic input of the VSE.
  • The GND signal of the accelerometer must only be connected to one dynamic input, since the ground is bridged internally in the VSE
  • To use the TEST signal, it must be connected to the dynamic input where the z-axis is connected.

ATEX rated accelerometers (VSP0xA)

Grounding takes place both in the hazardous and non-hazardous areas as shown.

  1. Isolator / barrier box
  2. Junction box
  3. Shield not connected to ground in the hazardous area
  4. Shield connected to VSP housing.

The information presented here is a generic guideline. Refer to the ATEX specification for your particular application.

Machine installation (example VSA008)

  1. Prepare a clean and smooth contact surface free from any coating to mount the accelerometer. The accelerometer is always grounded over the machine surface.
  2. Shield is connected to the VSA008 nut of the M12 connector.
  3. Cable shield is not connected at the nut. 
  4. Drain wire of the connecting cable
  5. All machine parts must be properly grounded.

When several accelerometers are used on different machines, all equipment must be grounded to the same earth ground to prevent ground loops via the VSE.