moneo release notes
moneo – simply made for you also means permanent optimisation of the software - regarding the platform as well as the modules. At regular intervals, we release free updates that come up with features and enhancements in several areas of the software, keeping your individual software packages up to date.
Here you can read all about the changes in the latest version and also access past release information.
The free update to the new moneo software version is now available in the downloads.
What's new in moneo? Click on the function tiles to see the new features of the software release.
Depending on the software licences you purchased, the visibility of the tiles in the moneo software may differ.
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo RTM
Settings and rules
Define warning and alarm conditions
- currently there is no new release information
Previous innovations
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo RTM
Device management
Onboard devices & set up topology structure
- currently there is no new release information
Previous innovations
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo OS
Saved configurations
Management of saved device configurations
- currently there is no new release information
Previous innovations
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo configure (SA)
Device descriptions
Management of IODDs and device descriptions...
- currently there is no new release information
Previous innovations
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo configure (SA)
Data Science Toolbox
Predictive analytics
- currently there is no new release information
Previous innovations
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo DataScience Toolbox
AVA wizard
Vibration monitoring according to ISO 10816-3
- currently there is no new release information
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo RTM
Here you can find the complete release notes: moneo appliance