Sensor technology for consistent water flavour
Flow and conductivity measurement ensures reliability in the mineral injection of drinking water
Reliable quality monitoring | Reduced set-up time | Consistent flavour |
- Reliable and precise recording of measured values
- Digital data transmission via IO-Link without losses
- Reduced set-up time of around six hours per system
- Ensuring the quality and flavour of the mineral water
The challenge
Not all water tastes the same. The flavour depends on many minerals and their composition in the water. This is why manufacturers use mineral injection systems.
They can be used to add the substances to the water in the exact dosage. As even slight variations can lead to a different flavour, the exact quantity is crucial for a consistent taste. Customers expect maximum precision from their systems - after all, the water quality depends directly on the quality of the machines.
In the process, drinking water is treated and demineralised using a reverse osmosis system so that the correct recipe can be implemented later on. The dosage of the correct amount of minerals was previously only controlled via a simple flow measurement, which could lead to changes in flavour. In cooperation with ifm, our customer has now installed modern flow and conductivity sensors that enable a permanently reproducible result in the manufacturing process.

The solution – why ifm?
During the mineralisation process of the water, the exact supply and flow rate of the ingredients is of particular importance. This is monitored by the SU Puresonic ultrasonic flow meter, which regulates the correct dosage of minerals.
The substances themselves are stored in separate tanks to avoid mixing. The levels are monitored hydrostatically via PI pressure sensors. However, adding the minerals to the water is not the end of the story: after each supply, the LDL101 monitors the concentration of minerals in the water. The relevant measured values are reported to the user via IO-Link so that corrections can be made if necessary. The LDL101 then measures the concentration again. The quantity of the end product is finally confirmed by the SU Puresonic. With the help of ifm, the customer is able to ensure that the exact recipe is always implemented and that consumers can always enjoy the same taste of their favourite water.