Hygienic flow meter with IO-Link

No more blind spots in the digital process
The SM Foodmag magnetic-inductive flow meter takes the flow measurement of liquid and creamy foods to a new level. Equipped with IO-Link, the sensor is the first of its kind to enable digital data transmission from the process, eliminating the last blind spot in the digitalised, transparent production process. On site, the display itself and the all-round visible status LED provide information on the current status. The sensor version without display can be used for installation situations in which no visualisation of the process values is required.
Measures what matters
The sensor detects the current flow rate, total volume and flow direction, as well as the presence of the medium (often referred to as empty pipe detection). It also transmits conductivity and temperature to the control system and IT level. This can reduce the need for additional measuring points in the system.
Convenience, clarity, safety
The integration of the SM Foodmag almost takes care of itself. Combined with our patented cables, the standard M12 connection ensures a fast, waterproof and error-free connection to the data infrastructure. Standard installation dimensions and a flexible choice of seals and process adapters make it easy to integrate into existing systems.
The app-based menu structure and guided installation make parameter setting a breeze. Locally and digitally, the SM Foodmag ensures maximum visibility inside the pipe - for greater process reliability.