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“Kaizen activity”: enthusiasm for ifm Condition Monitoring solutions at JIMTOF fair 2018


An international expert audience considers JIMTOF fair, which takes place in Tokyo every other year, to be the most important platform for innovative machine tool technology. Among the presenters in 2018: ifm.

Mr Masayuki Kitajima (President, ifm efector co., ltd., Tokyo) and Mr Edil Alvarez (International Project Manager Vibration Systems, ifm diagnostic gmbh) presented at JIMTOF 2018.

World Class Manufacturing (WCM) is called “Kaizen activity” here – and it hits the nerve of our time!

Tokyo Big Site conference centre, November 6th 2018, 1.00 p.m. Meeting room No. 606 is completely overcrowded. More than 120 guests have come to see the presentation by Mr Edil Alvarez, ifm diagnostic gmbh, titled “Implementation of Kaizen activity through IoT and exploitation of vibration data in machine tool applications. One full hour is dedicated to these topics:

  • World Class Manufacturing (WCM): implementation in Japan in the spirit of “Kaizen activity”
  • Improvement of machine availability and Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Cost reduction by Real Time Maintenance instead of fixed maintenance intervals
  • Perspective of new technologies in the context of Industry 4.0
  • Research work by ifm diagnostic, Rosenheim, Germany, regarding Condition Monitoring for ball screw drives

“Real Time Maintenance is a hot topic in Japan!”
The audience was enthusiastic! Mr Masayuki Kitajima says: “The JIMTOF workshop ended very successfully. The venue was packed, and many people who had not found a seat were standing and watching our presentation. That alone shows just how hot a topic RTM is in Japan."

Mr Edil Alvarez with Japanese colleagues at the ifm booth at JIMTOF fair 2018.