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  3. moneo configure
  4. moneo configure free

Configure IO-Link devices with moneo configure

moneo configure free!

Start your industrial evolution quickly and free of charge! With moneo configure, you can configure the existing devices of your production plant quickly and easily. 

Experience how easy the start into digitalisation can be. Combine your hardware with the moneo software in order to use the data from your production for optimisations and create added value.

moneo configure is ifm’s solution to parameterising IO-Link products. Part of ifm’s growing IIoT software platform known as moneo, moneo configure installs on your Windows PC and provides a centralised tool to detect, parameterise, visualise and diagnose IO-Link devices, regardless of the manufacturer.

The intuitive user interface simplifies device configuration and reduces machine commissioning time. moneo blue wirelessly connects IO-Link devices on IOS or Android platforms via Bluetooth. 

Connection diagram between laptop, sensor, and IO-Link master with the softeare functions available

Software functions

Configure IO-Link devices
  • Find all IO-Link devices connected to the network
  • Configure IP addresses of ifm IO-Link masters
  • Read and write parameters to all IO-Link sensors and devices
  • Online and offline parameter changes of IO-Link sensors and devices
  • Support for 3rd party IO-Link sensors and devices with IODD files
  • Automatic dashboard generation without any user configuration
  • Quickly view real-time values from IO-Link sensors and devices
  • View short-term trend history
IODD management
  • View local and online IODD catalogs
  • Install updates
  • Import IODD files

Why moneo configure?

Parameter data record management Tool for all IO-Link devices Overview of all IO-Link devices in the network Dynamic cockpit
Easy setup and replacement of IO-Link devices with only one tool Manufacturer-independent device setup, online / offline, with integrated IODD management Scanning of a complex IO-Link network with masters and devices Parallel visualisation of the process values and parameters

Connecting Devices to moneo configure with USB adapter

moneo connects devices via USB and Ethernet. Read more below or get more IO-Link setup and support information.

Connect with AL1060 USB adapter

Required accessories to be purchased separately:

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Sensor power via USB
  • Easily portable
  • Only one device may be connected at a time

Connect with IO-Link master / Ethernet

Advantages Disadvantages
  • Connection to multiple masters and devices at a time
  • Access devices without changing / disconnecting existing controls wiring
  • Separate 24 VDC power required for IO-Link master

Try moneo configure free!


4 steps to the free version

  1. Create your my ifm account and log in
  2. Download the free version (EXE file)
  3. Accept the terms and conditions
  4. Your free version is ready to download!

You're now ready to onboard your IO-Link masters and devices!