moneo release notes
moneo – simply made for you also stands for an ongoing optimisation of the software, applying to both platform and modules. Free updates including functions and extensions in various parts of the software are released by us at regular intervals to make sure your individual software packages are always up to date.
Here you can read about all the changes in the latest version and also access past release notes.
The free update to the new moneo software version is now available in the Downloads section.
What’s new in moneo? Click on the tiles to see the new features included in this software release.
Depending on the software licences purchased, the tiles that can be seen in the moneo software may differ.
Latest new features
- No new release notes currently
For the full release notes please click here: moneo RTM
For the full release notes please click here: moneo configure (SA)
For the full release notes please click here: moneo DataScience Toolbox
AVA wizard
Vibration monitoring according to ISO 10816-3
Latest new features
- No new release notes currently
For the full release notes please click here: moneo RTM