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ifm level sensor at the young firefighters Tettnang


The young firefighters in Tettnang decided to replace their water spraying test walls. For the new walls an ifm level sensor monitors the water level.

During a workshop, the young firefighters Tettnang replaced the obsolete water spraying test walls by a more modern version. It is used as a test object but also as an attraction for the development of young people especially at firefighter's carnivals.

By precise aiming at the "burning windows" the water level in an acrylic glass tube mounted on the side rises. The LK102x (capacitive level sensor) mounted there monitors the water level.

When the required height has been reached, the LK102x provides a signal and a solenoid valve is opened to empty the water tank. At the same time a blue light is switched on to show that the maximum level has been reached and that extinguishing has been completed.

Adjustable set and reset points allow a precise setting of the water quantity needed for completion and thus the degree of difficulty of the exercise.

By the way: Kids can test the new water spraying test walls including the ifm sensor on 12 May during the carnival on the premises of the firefighters in Tettnang.