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International Trade Show for Intralogistics Solutions and Process Management

Mobile machines
Transport and logictics
Trade fair
Date of the event

Messe Stuttgart

Messepiazza 1

70629 Stuttgart




Robotics & Automation

See you at LogiMAT 2024 in Stuttgart

LogiMAT 2024 is over. We are pleased to have been able to present our comprehensive and versatile automation solutions and product innovations for intralogistics to you over three days. We say thank you for the many intensive discussions and the great interest in our products. Why not visit us again next year at LogiMAT 2025? We will be happy to present our latest innovations to you and discuss suitable solutions for your individual requirements.

You did not make it to Stuttgart this year? No problem! Find out about our current product innovations! And of course we are always personally available!

The seamless path from the sensor to ERP

ifm Exhibition Info

ifm is present at trade fairs worldwide. Join us, visit us and be among the first to take a look at the latest innovations.

Date of the event

Messe Stuttgart

Messepiazza 1

70629 Stuttgart




Robotics & Automation

Information for an efficient supply chain

The information generated from the sensor data in the moneo IIoT platform can be seamlessly transferred to ERP thanks to the universal interface. There it is available, for example, in our SAP-certified Supply Chain Excellence (SCX) software solution for supply chain optimisation.

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Turning data into information

The moneo IIoT platform brings together the sensor data from the OT level. Here, at the IT level, the data is turned into information. This can be used for optimisation in OT, but can also be transferred to ERP for further processing.

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Data: the basis for efficient intralogistics

From receipt of goods to their precise preparation for further processing and delivery: stock, quality, flow of goods – you can monitor all this and even more with our components and system solutions and transfer the data to the IT level.

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Intralogistics at first hand

LogiMAT is the leading international trade fair for intralogistics solutions. It gives you a complete market overview of all the issues relevant to the industry – from procurement to production and delivery.

At LogiMAT in Stuttgart, ifm will be presenting a comprehensive portfolio of customised solutions with which companies can design efficient, reliable and resource-saving logistics processes. Join us and learn how digitalisation unlocks a new level of productivity in logistics.

On the way to becoming a supply chain hero?

Superpowers to better control intralogistics processes – who wouldn’t want that? If you have to do without superpowers, you should have a software solution that makes complex processes super simple and clear, allowing you to control operations, work strategically and plan ahead. Simply a solution that brings extra-orbital transparency and efficiency to your digital supply chain. Try ifm’s SAP-integrated and SAP-certified supply chain solution. So that you can have excellent control of your processes today and be one step ahead of the competition tomorrow.

Reliable in any dimension: our vision sensors

Automated guided vehicles find their way safely to their destination, even the smallest objects can be detected and the quality of intermediate production steps can be checked with millimetre precision: Welcome to the world of vision sensors, which contribute significantly to efficient Industry 4.0 solutions.

Experience ifm live

Save the date and experience ifm at the current fair events! Meet the ifm automation specialists in person and discuss concepts, systems and innovations.