OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness
The gold standard for measuring manufacturing productivity.
The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) provides information about the degree of added value of a plant. This area often contains great potential for optimisation, such as optimising the effectiveness of production plants and minimising downtimes. Determining this indicator is a complex, individual process that must be tailored to each company.
What does the OEE include?
Three factors are taken into account: the availability, the power factor and the quality factor. The goal is to increase value creation and avoid wastage. In order to give these values some content, extensive data analysis is needed. Special software is often used to collect and analyse the data.
Availability | Power factor | Quality factor |
How is the OEE calculated?
- Typical manufacturers achieve an OEE of 60 to 65%.
- World class manufacturers achieve an OEE of 85%.
- An OEE value of 100 % means that the process is always running at maximum speed during the planned production time and that all parts produced are usable.
How can I increase my OEE?
Avoiding unplanned downtimes. IO-Link transfers all maintenance-related data directly and digitally from the system to the IT level. We offer you all the components you need to efficiently monitor the health of your machines: products ranging from the sensor to the network infrastructure and software all from a single source.
Transparency leads to efficiency. The more comprehensively you monitor the values of your plant, the more effectively you can maintain the performance of your plants at a high level and permanently produce high quality and quantities. We offer you all the components required to simplify the dialogue with your plant, such as high-precision sensors, digital data transmission without any conversion loss via IO-Link and powerful software.
Even tiny deviations from the target process can reduce the quality of the food produced. In the worst case, valuable raw materials and produced batches will be lost. We offer you consistent solutions for the permanent, long-term analysis of all critical values in your production process. In this way you can be sure that your products meet the high quality standards at all times.
Processing decentralised information centrally. We offer you solutions with which you can bundle sensor information from plants, pre-process it and then transfer it to cloud systems for central and collaborative evaluation even without intermediate controllers and PCs, all without requiring direct connection to the company network. Secure your food production thanks to intelligent alerts and transparent data that is available anytime, anywhere.
Automation solutions can also help to guarantee food safety in the logistics process. By means of unique codes, raw materials such as fruits, vegetables and grains can be traced back on their way from the harvest to the end customer. Transparent supply chains guarantee the required quality and also increase the customers trust in the products.