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  1. SU Puresonic flowmeter
  2. Applications

Reliable flowmeter for multiple media types

The  SU ultrasonic flow meter is the optimal solution for applications that contain at least 90% water content, glycol solutions of 35% glycol, and oils from 7...68 mm2/s at 40°C. This includes conductive and non-conductive media. 

Specification needs vary from application to application and certain flow technologies are beneficial for different scenarios. The SU ultrasonic flow meter offers excellent accuracy and repeatability in multiple sanitary and industrial applications because of its wide measuring ranges. Below is a comparison chart of the different flow meters for water-based applications.

  ifm SU
magnetic-inductive vortex mechatronic thermal
water-based conductive media (>20μs/cm)
deionized water/non-conductive media
oil media
glycol mixture
air bubbles
changes in viscosity
totalization functionality
pressure drop
pressure rating
temperature range


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