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  1. Energy optimization
  2. Importance of compressed air leak detection
  3. Quickly detect and repair compressed air leaks

How to detect compressed air leaks and repair them quickly

A common, yet often overlooked problem in almost any industrial setting is a system that's leaking compressed air. Leaks account to up to 20% of business costs, reduce productivity and tie up resources like maintenance teams. That makes detecting compressed air leaks and repairing them promptly crucial for profit, productivity, and even safety.

In this article, we'll cover:

  • Why compressed air leaks are dangerous
  • How compressed air leakage costs you money
  • Tools and strategies to detect and address compressed air leakage
  • How to calculate losses due to a compressed air leak

Why compressed air leaks are dangerous

Before addressing financial pitfalls, it's important to understand how compressed air leaks can be dangerous for a work site. The three most significant risks are:

  • Physical hazards
  • Personal injuries
  • Environmental concerns

Let's explore each of these: 

  • Physical hazards: A sudden release of air can propel objects at high speeds, leading to damage to infrastructure or harm to bystanders. The sheer force generated by a leak can turn even a tiny particle into a dangerous projectile.
  • Personal injuries: First is the potential of ear injuries resulting from a loud noise due to a sudden release of air. More gravely, employees can suffer cuts, abrasions. lacerations, or more serious injuries from projectiles or damaged equipment.
  • Environmental concerns: Every leak means more power consumption without actual use. Wasting air leads to unnecessary carbon footprints and straining our energy resources.

How compressed air leakage costs you money

Four ways compressed air leakage ends up costing extra money are through:

  • Increased energy costs
  • Maintenance team resources
  • Machine downtime
  • Shorter equipment lifespan

Here's what these problems look like: 

  • Increased energy costs: For every leak, the air compressor needs to work overtime to maintain the set pressure, consuming more electricity in the process. This can easily add up to thousands of dollars a year on utility bills.
  • Maintenance team resources: Identifying and fixing leaks is a time-consuming process. Instead of focusing on preventative measures or other essential tasks, your maintenance team is on the defensive addressing poorly-maintained machines. This can result in expenditures from other problems going unchecked or extra expenses due to overtime.
  • Machine downtime: Every moment an air compressor or related equipment is down due to leaks results in lost productivity. This downtime can lead to project delays, unmet targets, and an overall decrease in efficiency.
  • Repair expenses: Your maintenance may be able to fix some leaks with a simple thread sealant. Others may require more extensive repairs or even parts replacement. These costs over time can have a substantial impact on your budget, especially if they're recurring.
  • Shorter equipment life span: Replacing machinery before its time is not just costly. It's also a headache that no enterprise wants to deal with.

Every leak is a sign of some form of wear or fault in the compressed air system. Continual leaks in higher pressure equipment indicate a system that's under stress, leading to a reduced lifespan for the equipment.

Compressed air leakage detection and repairs: tools and strategies

Increasing air compressor efficiency can save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. It can also free up maintenance resources at your facility. Here's a breakdown of the ari leak deteciton and repair best tools and strategies used in the industry.

  • Soapy water: A simple yet effective way of finding leaks is spreading soapy water over patches, joints, or any connections that may leak. An air leak will cause bubbles to form, revealing the problem spot. However, this method is time-consuming and not always scalable in larger plants or industrial settings.
  • Ultrasonic leak detectors: An ultrasonic acoustic detector detects the high-frequency sound waves produced by escaping air. These hissing sounds indicate the exact problem areas. However, they frequently emit high-pitched sounds that are out of human hearing range. Or, they're in audible range but covered up in a noisy industrial environment. An ultrasonic leak detector can identify them and alert you to the precise location for precise and timely repairs.
  • Air flow meters: Air flow meters are essential for tracking and detecting changes in high pressure air flowing through a system. These tools measure the rate of air passing through, highlighting any discrepancies that might suggest a leak. It's an essential diagnostic tool for any compressed air system because it constantly monitors the air flow. When paired with IO-Link technology, you can get real-time data and digital visualizations. These features let you know immediately when and where a pressure drop or air leak occurs. 
  • Regular leak detection: Along with air flow meters, audit your equipment at least every six months for air leaks. This way, your team can detect leaks early, before they cause extensive damage or loss. Regular monitoring also helps in understanding the health and efficiency of the system. 
  • Preventative maintenance: Prevention is better than cure. Routine checks, replacing old parts, and ensuring the system operates within its recommended limits significantly reduces the chances of leaks. Keeping a well-maintained system not only prevents air leaks but also enhances efficiency and extends the equipment's lifespan.

How to calculate losses due to a compressed air leak

Calculating the financial losses due to compressed air flow leakage involve these factors:

  • The size of the leak
  • The pressure in the system
  • The cost of electricity to produce the compressed air

Here are some formulae to guide you:

Calculate the air loss in cubic feet per minute (cfm)

The formula for this is:

Leakage (cfm)=Leak Hole Area (in2)Flow Coefficient×System Pressure (psi)Leakage (cfm)=Flow CoefficientLeak Hole Area (in2)​×System Pressure (PSI)

Convert cfm into kWh

To find out how much electricity is being wasted, use the formula:

Wasted Energy (kWh)=Leakage (cfm)×Running HoursMotor EfficiencyWasted Energy (kWh)=Leakage (cfm)×Motor EfficiencyRunning Hours​

Calculate financial loss

Lastly, to get the financial loss due to the leak:

Financial Loss=Wasted Energy (kWh)×Cost of Electricity per kWhFinancial Loss=Wasted Energy (kWh)×Cost of Electricity per kWh

Explanation of formulae:

  • Leak hole area (in2):  The size of the leak hole in square inches.
  • Flow coefficient: A constant value that varies based on the medium and can be found in technical tables.
  • System pressure (PSI): The pressure at which the compressed air system operates.
  • Running hours: The number of hours the compressed air system is operational.
  • Motor efficiency: The efficiency of the air compressor motor as a decimal (e.g., 0.9 for 90% efficient).

Compressed air leaks: FAQs

What causes compressed air leaks?

Compressed air leaks are often the result of worn-out seals, corroded pipes, faulty valves, or loose connections. Regular wear and tear, coupled with environmental conditions, also exacerbate the rate at which these components degrade.

How do you stop compressed air from leaking?

Common ways to prevent or stop compressed air from leaking are:

  • Regular maintenance
  • Proactively replacing of worn-out parts
  • Using quality components
  • Ensuring a system isn't over-pressurized

Tools like ultrasonic leak detectors and air flow meters provide early detection, allowing for prompt repairs.

What is the most common location for compressor leaks?

The most common locations for compressor leaks are joints, connections, valves, and fittings. Any point with a seal is more vulnerable due to constant stress and wear on those areas. Virtually any point where two components meet is vulnerable to leaks.