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Opening of the new building in Sibiu


The official opening of the new building in Sibiu took place on 23 October 2018. The "Fabrica de productie ifm efector s.r.l" has taken an important step for the development of the technical industry in Sibiu.

In the presence of the local authorities and the representatives of the ifm group from Germany, the second ifm production building in Sibiu was opened.

The success of ifm efector s.r.l. has made the opening of the new ifm production site ifm prover s.r.l in Sibiu possible. Already three production lines for pressure sensors of ifm prover s.r.l. are housed in the new building.

Martin Buck, Chairmen of the Board of Directors of the ifm group, opened the building for the production of ifm prover s.r.l. with a speech in which he also mentioned the history and development of the ifm group of companies.

Sibiu is the latest location of the ifm group of companies. By the end of this year, ifm prover s.r.l. will employ 89 staff. The location ifm prover s.r.l. is planned to reach the number of 280 employees by the end of 2023.

"When the necessary know-how has been acquired, it is planned that the ifm location in Sibiu also develops and produces innovative sensors for fluid technology.", detailed Benno Kathan, Member of the Board of the ifm group of companies.

The ifm location is in the western industrial area in Sibiu. The surface of the building covers 4,000 m2, thus  providing lots of space for production, offices, labs and technical rooms.

The original planning of the location had provided for a development in two steps. When the full capacity of the surface built in 2015 was reached, the second building was started.

At present, there are 330 ifm employees in Sibiu. The extension enables further growth in the next three years.