RFID UHF compact devices for harsh environments

Now also with IO-Link
Digitalisation and the resulting requirements for industrial identification solutions are increasing steadily. This is why ifm offers the compact high-performance RFID UHF devices not only with the classic fieldbus interfaces and IoT, but now with IO-Link.
Transferring data over the network, controlling actuators directly
RFID systems are an excellent solution when it comes to product tracking in intralogistics. With the IoT or IO-Link RFID UHF solutions, track and trace can be implemented in an even more streamlined fashion thanks to the simplified parameter setting and visualisation of ifm moneo configure.
With ranges of up to 3 m, the systems are ideally suited for track and trace and traceability applications. For example, vehicles can be identified and gates opened directly by means of digital outputs - without any programming effort or time delay. In intralogistics, the system is used for seamless product tracking. Up to 16 tags can be read simultaneously.
Example programmes for download
For each product we offer numerous example programmes and documentation for download free of charge.
DTE versions with fieldbus interface
The DTE evaluation systems have an integrated web server for device setup as well as monitoring and diagnostic data when integrated into the cloud. Thanks to their interfaces, the DTE versions are ideal for direct connection to PCs, industrial PCs or PLCs. Signals can also be looped through via an additional fieldbus interface, which reduces wiring complexity at field level.
In addition, the devices have two digital inputs and outputs. Integrated logic functions can be used for data pre-processing, for example, to directly control a signal lamp in accordance with the situation.
The devices with IoT core provide advanced data, events and services via common protocols such as HTTP, MQTT and JSON.
DTI versions with IO-Link
IO-Link allows particularly simple parameter setting and fast setup. For maximum flexibility, operating modes can be adjusted to the application at any time. Comprehensive antenna parameters and diagnostic data can be called up and visualised via the moneo software. This provides maximum transparency.