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Spotted: O3X at Walmart


Bossanova - most people will probably think of a Brazilian music genre. Only a few will think of a stock-taking robot. However, a robot like that, built by the company Bossanova and equipped with an ifm O3X was spotted in an American Walmart store.

© Bossanova

The O3X100 that was used, was presented by the ifm group at Hannover Messe in 2018. The O3X is the O3D's little brother and is used to navigate the robot. Eight additional cameras look for the products on the shelves.

Such autonomously acting robots are also called cobots (collaborative robots) if they interact with people. With the O3X 3D camera, the ifm group is contributing to a reality in which humans and robots can collaborate. For this, detecting objects and persons in the immediate environment is particularly important. The cobot can only move independently and reliably if its controller is provided with a three-dimensional image of its environment.

The ifm group of companies has developed the O3X 3D camera for such applications in industrial areas. The camera is based on ToF technology that measures the time of flight of the light between the camera and the object. The technology has been developed by the ifm subsidiary pmdtechnologies and is used, among others, in Lenovo and Asus smartphones.

You will find more information about 3D cameras from ifm here