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The ifm forests

In the next 30 years further growth in the world population is expected, while resources are constantly decreasing: it is becoming increasingly important that companies can produce more food, more medicines, more means of transport, using less and less time and resources. This is what motivates us every day: to give our customers the tools to make this happen, preserving our Planet in good health for future generations.

We have chosen Treedom as a partner to turn into reality an idea whose seed was already well planted and fertile within the words of our Company’s philosophy, which inspired us to give birth to this project:

“ifm wants to and will contribute its share in all technical developments for creating and maintaining a clean world with a plentiful supply of clean air and worth living in, not only from its corporate point of view, but also from its general social responsibility.”

We want to do this not only by producing technologies and sensors with a special care on development and energy saving but also by planting trees in some countries of the world, supporting projects that aim to provide environmental, social and economical benefits to the rural communities involved.

To date, we created two forests – VITAMINA and ifm WELCOME TREE - with the hope they will grow together with us... and with our customers.

Find out more about Treedom